March 22nd Sermon, by Deacon Maggie: 4 Lent- March 22, 2020 St. John’s Franklin Gracious Father, whose blessed Son Jesus Christ came down from heaven...
THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLEDSunday march 15th at 11:30. If you are new-ish to St John's, or still inquiring, or just have questions, please join us a...
Deacon Maggie's Sermon from February 9th: When you read or hear scripture, what do you do? How does it affect you? I imagine we all have our own perso...
Sermon by The Rev. Kathy McAdams Sixth Sunday after Epiphany St John’s Episcopal Church, Franklin, MA Sirach 15:15-20 Matthew 5:21-37 Psalm 119:1-8 Fi...
February 9, 2020. 5-7pm. $10 adults, child/seniors $5, children 3 and under free.Tickets will be sold starting after service on Sunday the 19th.**For...
Sermon by Deacon Maggie: 2 Epiphany January 19, 2019 St John’s Franklin On this cold, wet, icy morning, this may seem a tad crazy to say…but I confess...