
New plan for Worship begins after Easter

New plan for Worship begins after Easter

The Vestries of both parishes met on Sunday to discuss the issues with technology for our Worship services, the feedback from the congregations, and possible changes that could be made. We decided that, unless and until we are certain about the use of technology for livestreaming, giving both parishes a meaningful and stress-free experience, we will alternate Eucharist and Morning Prayer in both parishes.

Beginning on April 16th, Rev Kathy will offer Eucharist at Grace Church on the 1st& 3rd Sundays of each month, and at St John’s on the 2nd & 4th Sundays. When there is a 5th Sunday, we will have a joint service. When Rev Kathy is not present, trained parishioners will lead Morning Prayer, with live music, but no Communion. Parishioners will then have the choice of attending Morning Prayer in their own parish, of driving to the other parish, or attending on Zoom or Facebook. The stream will always be Eucharist from the parish where Rev Kathy is present, and always on the Grace Church Zoom link. We are still optimistic about resolving the issues with streaming music to Zoom so those at home will also have a full experience of Worship.

We appreciate your patience with our experiments, and welcome your feedback as we move forward.

- The Vestries and Wardens of Grace Church and St John’s

Saint John’s Episcopal Church

237 Pleasant StreetFranklin, MA 02038508.528.2387admin@stjohnsfranklinma.orgParish Profile