Beloved Community,
St. John’s is in a good place. Thanks to your faithfulness, St. John’s has made it through difficult times, through years of transition, to become who and what we are today. We are a community in the best sense of the word – a place in which people of faith come to be together, to worship God, to support each other as we seek to be an expression of God at work in the world. We are warm and welcoming. We are caring and committed. We are alive in the Holy Spirit. And we are filled with joy.
The joy we feel in who we are and what we do is obvious, to us and to visitors and newcomers. (You might be amazed at how often I hear this directly!) We allow the joy of God’s Holy Spirit to nurture and encourage our faith, as individuals, families, and as a community. It is this joy – in our attitude and our action – that emboldens us to live as part of what Presiding Bishop Curry calls the “Jesus Movement.” It is this same joy that motivates us to envision our future, to see the possibilities for how we can continue to grow in our faith and our mission, both within our walls and beyond our borders.
This joy is but one of our blessings, and now is the time to celebrate the many blessings we have as a community! St. John’s needs you to prayerfully consider how to resource the next, exciting chapter in our community’s history. “Express Your Joy! Our Community. Our Campaign” will place us in a good position, a position of strength, as we continue our journey. When you choose to take this leap of faith with us, you will share in our growth: spiritually, programmatically, and financially. You will be among many eager to invite others to join us on this journey.
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Rev. Paula